Posts Tagged ‘BBC’

A very interesting story in BrandRepublic: Here The BBC are set to allow programmes to be downloaded from BBC iPlayer to Apple  iPads, iPhones and iPods. The quality of BBC content will enrich media portability and eventually extend to Android slates and mobile phones too. _________________________________________________________________ The article from Brand Republic mentions: Programmes will be […]

Fans of Harry Potter will remember Errol the accident prone owl. The BBC reported the story of an owl flying into a window recently and leaving a remarkable silhouette outline smeared on the glass. Apparently owls produce a fine powder that protects growing feathers, called powder down. This transferred to the glass as the owl […]

The BBC Trust has given the green light, with some parameters, for Project Canvas to proceed. The project puts together a partnership of UK broadcasters, internet, teleco and entertainment businesses. The project will create an open, internet-connected, television platform built on common standards by the United Kingdom’s terrestrial broadcasters BBC, Channel 4, ITV plc, Five […]