Posts Tagged ‘Lost’

A tortured headline is there ever was one? But a truth will out. Damon Lindelof, co-creator of the TV series Lost shares a sense of dissatisafaction with the latest Harry Potter movie and finally connects with the frustration of true fans of a series: NYMAG Lost was famous for loose ends, the unexplained and a […]

With just a few days between them, the final episode of ABC’s Lost (Season 6) comes just after the final one for the BBC’s Ashes To Ashes. There are several parallells between the two series; the ensemble casts, the twisting plot lines, elements of time travel, a heroine who doesn’t quite end up with the […]

One TV programme that I’ve never missed an episode of is Lost. It’s a series that some avoid, perhaps because it lacks a linear approach to the multiple narratives unfolding within the programme. But I find the series a near-obsession. Sales of DVD’s remain strong and iTunes sell a healthy volume for each episode. There […]