Archive for December, 2010

I’ve used Xmarks to back up and share my Bookmarks/Favourites from web browsers on PCs and Macs at home, at work and on the move for the last few years. The system works well whether you wish to keep one organised list of Bookmarks/Favourites on FireFox or Internet Explorer, or both. Xmarks ran into financial […]

A tortured headline is there ever was one? But a truth will out. Damon Lindelof, co-creator of the TV series Lost shares a sense of dissatisafaction with the latest Harry Potter movie and finally connects with the frustration of true fans of a series: NYMAG Lost was famous for loose ends, the unexplained and a […]

Quick, return your iPad Christmas present when it arrives in a few weeks and be patient for a few months longer. DigiTimes says Foxconn Electronics has notified staff in China that they will ship the iPad 2 within 100 days – that’s as soon as the end of February. It’s likely that sufficient stock will […]